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2003 - Results
13th July - Lyne

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Ist innings: 00-0

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 Batsman 1 Bowler 1
 Batsman 2 Bowler 2
 Batsman 3 Bowler 3
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2nd innings: 00-0

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 Batsman 1 Bowler 1
 Batsman 2 Bowler 2
 Batsman 3 Bowler 3
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Match result may go here

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     This match failed to get started as no-one convened in any one place to have a game, as is our wont on these hazy, lazy days of summer. Basically, the real reason is that of around sixteen players to be able to choose a team from, about a dozen were otherwise engaged - for genuine reasons! It never happens that often, in fact on only one other occasion were we short, by one player! Ah well, that's the way it goes.

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