After heavy showers on the Friday and Saturday, this game was saved by switching to West
End. It didn't help. Four of the five batsmen used scored substantially, the three wickets
falling with the scores on 132, 207 and 233 respectively. The theme of the innings was
dropped catches as chance after chance went begging, with even more mis-hits landing in
open space. Not our day in the field. |
Chasing 248 is a task and a half at the best of times. Matt was out early and Tim made a
slow start, reaching 13 before being felled
by deflecting a rising ball into his forehead,
just above his eye. Knocked for six with a nasty wound and feeling really groggy, it was a
hospital job. This knocked the stuffing out of our innings and apart from a few spirited
knocks, that was about it. Pirbright used all eleven bowlers, Sweetings' one over
consisting of 11 deliveries. When asked if he wanted a second over, he replied "maybe
next week!" |