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Gallery: 1999
Awards Evening

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The Batting TrophyCap'n Tim Lamb is presented with the Hull Trophy for attaining the best batting average for the second year running The Elson AwardChairman Howard Turner is presented with the Elson Trophy for best bowling after many consistent years
the Fielding AwardTim awarded Craig Weston with the The WECC fielding Award for some good athletic fielding t-improvers.jpg (2451 bytes)The Gaisford Improvers Award went to Kev Cheeseman, whose season with the bat included a battling 93 versus the President's XI
the Players Player awardAs always, the team vote for whom they feel deserves this special award. Tim Lamb received the Fenwick Shield as their Player's Player for 1999 the Quack Quack Oops awardA close-run thing, but Jason Stephens won the much-sought after Quack-Quack-Oops award for scoring most ducks during the season
the "You're Shit - AARRGGHH!!" awardThe legendary You're Shit - AARRGGHH! award went to Matt with 24 off one over - he still insists it was only 21! - well deserved! Pete Lamb finishes off his tour BlotteriesConsternation that Pete Lamb failed to complete his record four tour Blotteries was alleviated on the awards night
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